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Stephan Speaks shares motivation with the Addiction, Recovery, and Sobriety Podcast community

Stephan Labossiere shares a message of hope with the Recovery, Addiction, Mental Health, and Sober is Dope Podcast community. #stephanspeaks #soberisdope

STEPHAN LABOSSIERE is a man on a mission, and that mission is to make relationships happier and more fulfilling.
As a certified relationship coach, a speaker and author, Stephan seizes every opportunity to help both men and women overcome the challenges that hinder their relationships. From understanding the opposite sex, to navigating the paths and avoiding the pitfalls of relationships and self growth, Stephan’s relationship advice and insight helps countless individuals achieve an authentically amazing life. Stephan empowers millions to take charge of the difficult situations standing in the way of the life and love they seek and to make impactful changes on a daily basis.
Dedicated to helping, and devoted to keeping it real, Stephan’s straightforward, yet compassionate delivery style, attracts a versatile clientele including; notable celebrities, civic and social organizations, academic institutions, singles, and couples alike, who can and are ready to handle the truth!

Check out Stephan and grab his new book: https://www.stephanspeaks.com/stephan-labossiere/

Listen to the Sober is Dope Podcast: https://linktr.ee/Soberisdope 🙏🏽🔥