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Sober is Dope Launches Song Dear Addicts on Spotify and Apple Music #short

The Sober Rapper a.k.a Pop Buchanan shares on his latest single a soft hearted and passionate letter to fellow addicts worldwide. In his latest project “Dear Addicts”, Pop Buchanan shares words of encouragement to the addiction community. This heartfelt song shares Pop’s passion and love for the addiction recovery community. The Brooklyn bred Lyricist suffered from alcoholism in his 20’s and found his sobriety on December 15th, 2012. Pop Buchanan devoted his life to expressing why sober is dope and to share his recovery testimony through podcast, hip hop, and clothing. The CEO is serious about recovery. Enjoy this powerful letter of hope and please share with anyone that may be struggling with drug or alcohol addiction. This brand supports charity and the initiative of Sober is Dope, Sober is Doper, Sober Dope, Sobriety is Dope, Sober and Dope Shop

Sober is Dope Podcast

Sober is Dope School

Sober life and Addiction Recovery

Dear Addicts
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/1J5duRa4AHcr8kVVJYIW4G

Dear Addicts
Youtube: https://youtu.be/FXd5ufs0zg4