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How to Stop Drinking Liquor Tips #short

General Tips for Quitting Drinking
Soberis Dope: https://popbuchanan.net/soberisdope

* Creating a solid plan beforehand
* Finding a reliable support team
* Making use of medication for alcoholism
* Talking with a doctor before attempting cold turkey
* Cutting back on alcohol first
* Choosing some self-care strategies
* Finding new activities that don’t involve alcohol
* Setting short and long-term goals
* Staying persistent

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms
Alcohol is a depressant, so your nervous system compensates for long-term heavy drinking by becoming more hyperactive. Remove alcohol, and you’ll suddenly find yourself in overdrive.
Until your nervous system rebalances itself, you may
experience nausea, anxiety, insomnia, headaches, shaking, sweating, or vomiting.

In more extreme cases, fever, hallucination, disorientation, racing heartbeat, and even seizures are possible.

For some, the reaction is so extreme that withdrawal can be fatal.