Creativity is one of the main themes of the Sober is Dope podcast. The ABCs of recovery is my foundation for success from addiction. "Always Be Creating", can be heard all over our more than 300 episodes on Sober is Dope. Part of my creative process is making podcasts, creating music, and art to go on our amazing clothing and brand. The Sober is Dope Merch store was created to help us reach our goal of sharing the message of Sober is Dope to over 1 million people in the addiction and recovery community.
Being an 80's baby, the concept of digital assets, digital churches, and digital music distribution is still very novel to me. These exciting new avenues aid us in expressing our creativity and are producing new emerging markets. One of these new emerging markets is NFTs or Non-Fungible Tokens.
According to, "An NFT is a digital asset that represents real-world objects like art, music, in-game items and videos. They are bought and sold online, frequently with cryptocurrency, and they are generally encoded with the same underlying software as many cryptos".
I was introduced to NFTs or digital assets that I can own, buy, trade, or sell on the blockchain, by my beautiful girlfriend Jennifer Ruff. Jennifer would repeatedly say, "we have to get into NFTs". I listen to her and then we sat down and decided to not only create NFTs but our own Comic Universe and Digital Character-based NFTverse. So, to complement the theme of Sober is Dope, we decided to go with the name "META IS DOPE". Meta is Dope represents Metaphysics, Metaverses, and our own Comic Universe called Meta Tron World.
Part of our vision was to create NFTs that would last beyond the typical collection. We have a 60-year plan of developing our NFTs into characters and building storylines that can expand our Universe. How would you like to be part of the next Marvel or DC comics? Well, you can, by simply owning one of our Meta is Dope Nfts. The other part of our vision was to create free NFTs that we can both donate and share with the world. We realized that Ethereum and other Cryptocurrencies can be very expensive and we also acknowledge that everyone may not have a Crytpo Wallet. So, we have to look for the perfect platform that would share our values. This platform based in Israel is an NFT company called SandMilk.